May 14, 2010

Taraxacum officinale

Tested my new 17-55mm Nikon f2.8 lens' close up capability. The parachute ball of a common Taraxacum officinale, dandelion, seemed liked a good trial subject. Seems that my yard is a nuturing ground for these flowers a.k.a weeds.

Because I'm also interested in mathematical patterns, I decided to do some rough measurements of the seed radii. The series I got was 3.2, 5.1, 8.8, and 13.5... close to a Fibonacci series. If you also then look at each of the photographs of the flowers that I posted following this post, they too follow a Fibonacci series; Cherry 5 petals, Edelweis 8 petals...I guess that's why you never find a four leaf clover, doesn't follow the Fibonacci series. Almost forgot, also took the differences in radii - ratio was 1.65 average - pretty close to the divine proportion 1.618...coincidence?

1 comment:

Kurt Haunreiter said...
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